
We have now had our first week of the 2016!!  I had a great Holiday and now back into the swing of things.  Last week we reviewed letters.  We did not do science so we could spend more time on math.  We spent time finding mismatched mittens, counting, and measuring snowmen with linking cubes.  This week for math we will find matching mittens and sort mittens into different groups and talk about how they are the same and different.

For science this week we will be talking about the ocean.  We are going to pretend we are on the warm beaches of some tropical island so we can escape the cold of winter.  We will taste what the ocean tastes like, and see what mineral is in the ocean and talk about what you would see if you went to the ocean and what animals live in the ocean.  We will also learn about octopuses and how they use camouflage.

Snow day- On January 21st we will have a snow day.  Please have you child wear their snow clothes to school and we will play in my yard in the snow.  We will play outside for centers and then come in and start our day.  Will you send 2 bags to school.  Their school bag and a backpack or other bag we can put their snow clothes in when we come inside.  I will need at least one parent to come and help me supervise kids out side and then help put their snow gear away in their bags.

Registration- Preschool registration will begin the first week of February.  I will send out the information at the end of the month.

Falcon Ridge sent out a notice that they have started their Kindergarten registration for next year, so if you have a per-kindergartener you may want to stop by the school and fill out a registration form.


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